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Investigation on the corrosion behaviour of 420 welding martensitic steel with the ER308L, ER309L and ER420 fillers studied in 3.5% NaCl solution with and without CO2 (19263 Views)
Modeling of weld penetration in SAW process in the presence of boehmite nano-particles surface adsorbed by boric acid using MLP-ANN (14016 Views)
Investigation of Corrosion Behavior and Galvanic Corrosion Simulation of Super Duplex Stainless Steel UNS S32750 Weld Zone (13382 Views)
Friction stir welding of dissimilar joint of aluminum alloy 5083 and commercially pure titanium (12776 Views)
Effect of Cellulose Characterization Used in Manufacturing of E8010-P1 Cellulosic Electrode on Structural and Mechanical Properties of its Weld Metal (12606 Views)
Resistance spot welding of AISI 201 stainless steel: The relationship between welding current, microstructure, mechanical properties and failure mode (12450 Views)
The effect of welding parameters on the formation of S-shape defects in friction stir welding of aluminum 1085 (12447 Views)
Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of 410NiMo as an overlay layer on low alloy steel (12316 Views)
Investigation on Effect of Heat Input on the Corrosion Behavior of Hadfield Steel Weld Joints in SMAW Process (12194 Views)
Investigation of microstructures and mechanical properties of dissimilar welds between Incoloy 825 and 316 stainless steel (12077 Views)
Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Super Duplex Stainless Steel UNSS32750 (12041 Views)
The Influence of Heat-Input on Structural and Mechanical Properties of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel (12037 Views)
Investigation on Effect of Heat Input on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hadfield Steel Weld Joints in SMAW Process (11664 Views)
Effect of Heat Input on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Friction Stir Welding of HSLA-60 (11661 Views)
Analysis of the microstructural characteristics of FSW connection of A517 (B) steel and its relation to mechanical properties and corrosion behavior (11624 Views)
Evaluation of dissimilar joint properties of A321 austenitic stainless steel to A537CL1 carbon steel by GTAW process (11333 Views)
Investigation on effect of holding time in brazing of steel to cemented carbide using Cu-Ag alloy filler metal (10969 Views)
Optimization of variables of friction stir welding process with the aim of achieving the maximum fracture strength (10916 Views)
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Microstructural Evolutions, Mechanical Properties and Fracture Mode of AISI 1075 Resistance Weld (10824 Views)
Effect of Weld Metal Microstructure on the Fatigue and Corrosion-Fatigue Properties of GTA-Welded 304 Stainless Steel (10751 Views)
The effect of heat input on the microstructure and hardness of continuous fiber laser welded high Al-content δ-TRIP steel (10582 Views)
Evaluation of mechanical properties of nanostructured Al 6061 alloy weldment during resistance spot welding process (10519 Views)
Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on Joint Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA2024 and AA7075 Aluminum Alloys (10501 Views)
Effect of heat treatment on the grain structure and mechanical properties of Al-7075 friction stir weld (10476 Views)
Investigation of the mechanical properties and microstructure of the Ti-6Al-4V to Al2024 joint fabricated by successive- stage transient liquid phase (S-TLP) method (10417 Views)
Study the Profile Shape and Mechanical Properties of Bonded Joint HNV3 to Nimonic 80A Superalloy with Inertia Friction Welding Method (10414 Views)
Simulation of Material Plastic Flow and Morphology During Friction Stir Welding of Stainless Steel to Aluminum Alloy Dissimilar Joint (10390 Views)
Simulation of effective parameters on low-carbon steel laser welding process using finite element method (10231 Views)
Effect of geometrical variable and welding sequence on residual stresses and deformation in a 5083-H321 aluminum T joint (10192 Views)
Optimization of pulesd current gas tungsten arc welding process parameters to attain maximum weld metal toughness ofAISI 316/A387 Gr.91 weld joints with Taguchi method (10175 Views)
Investigation on the Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment Temperature on Stress Corrosion Resistance of Inconel 625 Cladded on AISI 4130 Steel Using Hot Wire GTAW (10163 Views)
Determination of Optimized High Energy Beams Welding Conditions in Order to Simultaneous Obtaining of Desirable Magnetic and Mechanical Properties (10057 Views)
Stress and temperature analysis in tubular x-joints using simufact welding (10007 Views)
Optimization of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) to develop the NiAl coating using neural networks and genetic algorithm (9992 Views)
Development of dissimilar GTA 4130/201 SS weld joint and investigation on the effect of filler metals in order to obtain improved mechanical properties and microstructural features (9903 Views)
Investigation of the thickness effect on fatigue life calculation in a single bevel butt weld in A36 steel using experiment and its comparison with simulation results (9880 Views)
Evaluation of the corrosion behavior of the base metal and weld metal sections of the super duplex stainless steel UNS S32750 (9799 Views)
Evaluation of microstructure and corrosion behavior of dissimilar laser joint between Inconel 625 and AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel (9701 Views)
The possibility of the TLP bonding between UNS S32750 and AISI 304 (9697 Views)
The effect of repeated repair welding on microstructure and mechanical properties of quenched and tempered steel A517 (9585 Views)
Study and Investigation on the Effect of Presence of Interlayer on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Fracture Mode of AISI 321 Stainless Steel Resistance Spot Welds (9565 Views)
Welding of 304L Stainless Steel to 409 Stainless Steel with GMAW Process Using ER316LSi and ER309LMo Filler Metals (9420 Views)
Behavior Simulation Polyamide 6 (PA6) During Friction Stir Welding and Comparison with Experimental Results (9357 Views)
Finite Element Simulation of Welding Distortion in Large Structure (9325 Views)
Measuring of Residual Stress in TIG Welding of the 304 Stainless Steel by Ultrasonic Method (9290 Views)
Optimization of FSW parameters for mechanical properties of Nano/UFG Aluminum- scandium alloys by using design of experiment method (9189 Views)
Evaluation of dissimilar joint properties of AISI316 to AISI430 stainless steels produced by GTAW (9185 Views)
Simulation and modeling of friction welding of stainless steel to aluminum alloy using finite element method and artificial neural network (9136 Views)
The effect of transvers speeds on microstructure and mechanical properties of the AA2024 to AA6061 joint welded by FSW (9088 Views)
Effect of Heat Input of Submerged Arc Welding Process on the Corrosion Behavior of API X42 Gas Pipeline Steel Weld Joint (8740 Views)
Total Sum: 1227925

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