Marchin N, Soltanipoor A, Farmanesh K. The evaluation of the tool's velocity on the behavior of the Al-7075 alloy during friction stir welding using finite element method. JWSTI 2020; 5 (2) :27-37
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Abstract: (6251 Views)
In this study, the effect of tool's advance velocity on the mechanical behavior of the Al-7075 alloy during friction stir welding was simulated. In this simulation, the Lagrangian method with rigid-Visco-plastic material was used. The results of the process temperature obtained by the simulation method were verified by the experimental welding test. Using the characteristic stress, strain and temperature relationships in the Al-7075 alloy, the changes and the relationship between the material strength during the welding process by simulation was studied. The generated simulation defects was verified by experimental test.
Type of Study:
Research |