Volume 9, Issue 1 (Journal OF Welding Science and Technology 2023)  

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Electron beam welding of 17-4PH steel and Ti6Al4V alloy with copper interlayer

P. 1-15
Abstract (3408 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1157 Downloads)

Multi-objective optimization of kinematic tool parameters in FSW of Al-7075 and Al-6061 alloys by RSM

P. 17-29
Abstract (3072 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (764 Downloads)

Investigation of microstructure, hardness and intermetallic compound in friction stir welding of AA1050 aluminum alloy to copper

P. 31-38
Abstract (2949 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1023 Downloads)

Control of microstructure and solidification cracks in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of high-strength aluminum alloys

P. 39-57
Abstract (3260 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1244 Downloads)

Modeling of stir zone grain size variation in the friction stir processed Al-2024 according to the FSP parameters

P. 59-65
Abstract (2794 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (793 Downloads)

Microstructure and mechanical properties in dissimilar friction stir welding between aluminum 1050 and 316L stainless steel

P. 67-82
Abstract (3399 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (886 Downloads)

Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of lead free composite solder containing cobalt microparticles produced by accumulative roll bonding

P. 83-92
Abstract (2833 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (756 Downloads)

Production of polylactic acid/chitosan polymer matrix scaffold reinforced with zinc oxide particles by 3D printing additive/welding manufacturing method and investigating their properties

P. 93-100
Abstract (2844 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (876 Downloads)

Effect of post weld heat treatment on the structure and mechanical properties of explosive welding of austenitic steel 321 - aluminum 1050 - aluminum 5083

P. 101-112
Abstract (3024 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1054 Downloads)

Experimental investigation of the laser coating process of the inconel 718 powder on the H13 steel

P. 113-125
Abstract (2889 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (844 Downloads)

Crack prevention by adjusting aluminum concentration in GTAW cladded AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy

P. 127-136
Abstract (2834 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (826 Downloads)

Investigating the solidification microstructure of IN625 superalloy cladded by direct laser deposition process on IN713LC

P. 137-149
Abstract (2870 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (986 Downloads)

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