Niazi M, Afsari A, Behgozin A, Nazemosadat M R. Multi-objective optimization of kinematic tool parameters in FSW of Al-7075 and Al-6061 alloys by RSM. JWSTI 2023; 9 (1) :17-29
1- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
2- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz Bahonar Engineering College, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Shiraz, Iran. ,
Abstract: (3338 Views)
Optimization of Stir Friction Welding parameters such as linear and rotational speed of the tool can be effective to a large extent in improving welding properties. In this research, welding of two sheets of Aluminum of Al-7075 and Al-6061 were validated based on theoretical relations and numerical simulation. The simulation of the contact characteristics of the workpieces with the tool was done using the contact algorithms available in the Ansys software. From the FEM, rotational and linear speed and diameter of the tool were selected as design variables, and multi object optimization was carried out with genetic algorithm and RSM to reach the lowest tool temperature and residual stress.The parametric analysis of FSW of the threaded and non-threaded tool pins showed that the generated heat has proportional and inverse relation with rotation and linear speed of tool respectively. Tool with a diameter of 20 mm showed minimum residual stress in the workpiece. By increasing welding speed, the temperature curves become more compact and the effect of thread on heat generation was more evident in all cases at lower heat input.
Type of Study:
Research |