Lori Amini A, Sabet H, Ghanbari Haghighi M. The effect of activated flux type on the weld profile and angular distortion of A-TIG welding of the AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel. JWSTI 2020; 6 (2) :41-51
1- Department of Materials Engineering, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Abstract: (6166 Views)
In this investigation, the AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel was welded in the form of bead on plate by A-TIG process with different amount of the ZrO2 and TiO2 activated fluxes. The results of the visual inspection showed that the specimen with 50% ZrO2 and 50% TiO2 activated flux, had the lowest face width and the specimen with contains 90% ZrO2 activated flux, had the highest penetration depth. Also, the results showed that the angular distortion of the specimens with mix of the ZrO2 and TiO2 activated flux were 225% less than the specimen without activated flux. The results of macroscopic examination of different samples showed that the maximum length and width of the macroscopic grains were related to the sample with 90% ZrO2 activated flux and the smallest length and width of the macroscopic grains were related to the sample with 90% TiO2 activated flux. The hardness test results showed that the highest hardness of the samples was gained to 90% TiO2 activated flux specimen with 950 HV and the lowest hardness value for the sample with 90% ZrO2 activated flux with 410 HV. The results of all tests showed that surface activated fluxes (ZrO2 and TiO2) affected to the depth of penetration, face width, angular distortion, length and width of macroscopic grains and the hardness of weld metal by changing the longitudinal and transverse melt flow in the weld pool.