Volume 2, Issue 1 (Journal OF Welding Science and Technology of Iran 2016)                   JWSTI 2016, 2(1): 32-48 | Back to browse issues page

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1- , m.safari@arakut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (10983 Views)

In this research, lap joint frictionstir welding of IF sheets with thickness of 0.7 mm is investigated. For this purpose, mechanical properties of joints and also microstructural evolutions are studied. It was found that increase in tool rotational speed and decrease in travel speed results in increase in fracture stress of welded joints. Texture study indicates that no changes can be observed in texture components after friction stir welding. This phenomenon in texture components can be related to high stacking fault energy of IF steel and consequently severe dynamic recrystallization during welding. The results show with increase in the tool rotational speed between 900-1400 Rev/min, ultimate force of fracture of friction stir welded joints is increased. Also, it is concluded from results that with increase in tool travel speed between 50-160 mm/min, ultimate force of fracture of welded joints is decreased. Finally it is proved from results of this paper that in the frictionstir welding of IF sheets with thickness of 0.7 mm, maximum force of fracture of welded joints is achieved in rotational speed of 1400 Rev/min and travel speed of 105 mm/min.   

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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