Volume 9, Issue 2 (Journal OF Welding Science and Technology 2024)                   JWSTI 2024, 9(2): 77-92 | Back to browse issues page

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Mansouri E, Khorsand H. Similar jointing of Inconel 600 super alloy using nano stracture powder filler with high entropy design. JWSTI 2024; 9 (2) :77-92
URL: http://jwsti.iut.ac.ir/article-1-445-en.html
1- Engineering and Materials Science, KN Toosi University of Technology, Tehran.
2- Engineering and Materials Science, KN Toosi University of Technology, Tehran. , hkhorsand@kntu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4202 Views)
High entropy alloys are especially suitable for use as filler metals in brazing due to their excellent properties. in the present study, three powders with the composition of CoxCrxCuxFexMnxNix (X atomic percentage of the element) were designed using the criteria of these alloys as well as jmatpro software. in the next step, using mechanical alloying, filler nano powder was synthesized and characterized by X-RAY analysis (XRD) test and the effect of filler composition on the thermal behavior of the alloy was studied. then the filler was used in Inconel 600 super alloy brazing, the single-phase solidification behavior and the absence of boron and silicon in the high entropy filler led to the creation of a continuous microstructure without eutectic components or brittle phases in the brazing interface. thus, the shear strength test was performed and 545 MPa  was the highest shear strength obtained among the three filler compounds. in brazing conventional filler metal, incomplete isothermal solidification and subsequent thermal solidification of the residual liquid results in large grains of chromium-rich boride phase distributed throughout the microstructure. not using compounds that lower the melting point in the filler for the purpose of joining the nickel-based superalloy is considered an important step in reducing the subsequent brazing processes.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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