Volume 7, Issue 1 (Journal OF Welding Science and Technology 2021)                   JWSTI 2021, 7(1): 97-106 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Tarbiat Modares
2- Tarbiat Modares , daakbari@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4473 Views)
In this research, tensile strength of ultrasonic welded parts made of thermoset polymer-reinforced glass fiber with surface preparation has been investiagted. In order to elevate the adhesion of two surfaces laser grooving method has been applied. Two type of thermoplastic materials including Plymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and polypropylene (PP) have been used as interlayers. Influences of main welding parameters were investigated. The results show that the force and compression parameters in these joints have been ineffective parameters and in higher weld welds, the thermosetting resin has started thermal degradation. The pressure considered constant and set at 2 bar, welding time set at 1.6 seconds and holding time considered 3 seconds. The results showed that the minimum tensile strength of welded samples with laser surface preparation method is 1286 N, which is much more than maximum tensile strength of welded samples without any surface preapration. This indicates that laser beam surface preparation is an effective method in improving of the adhesion strength of thermoset polymeric parts.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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